• Can Discipline Really Equal Power?

    Can Discipline Really Equal Power?

    Most of us view discipline in a negative way, we get taken back to that time in primary school when our Mum’s thought it would be great to sign us up for the Māori culture group, because “we’d learn a bit of discipline”. But for us that meant holding our poi’s out until our arms felt like they were going to fall off, not...
  • Am I Suffering from Anxiety and Not Even Know It?

    Am I Suffering from Anxiety and Not Even Know It?

    There’s a term used in FACT (focussed acceptance and commitment therapy), which states that the diagnosis is the distraction. I quite like this because it moves away from the medical model which can sometimes suffocate the air in a GP practice. If we can move away from anxiety being called anxiety and refer to it as the effect that it is having on us,...
  • Meditation Made Easy

    Meditation Made Easy

    Chances are you have recently looked at a celebrity, work colleague or fellow parent and wondered how the heck they always appear happy and together. Many of the most successful and “put together” people you will meet regularly MEDITATE . It’s no longer considered a practice only adhered to by monks, but rather a scientifically proven way to look after your well-being. However, all...
  • Move Fast

    Move Fast

    When was the last time you moved? I mean really moved – in the heart pounding, chest heaving, sweaty kind of way. For some of you exercise might be part of your regular daily or weekly practice, for others it might be less so – and the reasons why might be many and valid. While pounding the pavement for hours might not be realistic...
  • A Year of Resilience

    A Year of Resilience

    What a privilege! Hi AwesoMErs, I am pretty excited and honoured to be invited to share my knowledge with you around the topic of resilience. I’m a registered Educational Psychologist who has worked in special education with the Ministry of Education, with serving personnel and their families in the New Zealand Defence Force, and assessing children’s cognitive and academic functioning in private practice. It...
  • Social Connection

    Social Connection

    No man is an island, right? This month I want to get you thinking about who in your social network provides you support. Hi AwesoMErs, That support can and probably will look different for all of us. The important thing is that we find the support and the connections we have in our communities meaningful. Because when we have meaningful connections with other, we...
  • What’s Your Why?

    What’s Your Why?

    Why do you do what you do? What made you choose your job? Your hobbies? Your friends? The charities or causes
  • How to be Adventurous with Mindfulness to Support Good Mental Health

    How to be Adventurous with Mindfulness to Support Good Mental Health

    As the new year rolls over, I want to propose a new blueprint for well-being. I want us to start thinking mindfully about how we can look after our mental health in a little bit of a different way. Mindfulness isn’t all about sitting and meditating. It’s how we approach life and how we engage in activities, with a sense of child-like wonder and...
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