Can Discipline Really Equal Power?


Most of us view discipline in a negative way, we get taken back to that time in primary school when our Mum’s thought it would be great to sign us up for the Māori culture group, because “we’d...
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Meditation Made Easy


Chances are you have recently looked at a celebrity, work colleague or fellow parent and wondered how the heck they always appear happy and together. Many of the most successful and “put together” people you will meet regularly...
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Move Fast


When was the last time you moved? I mean really moved – in the heart pounding, chest heaving, sweaty kind of way. For some of you exercise might be part of your regular daily or weekly practice, for...
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A Year of Resilience


What a privilege! Hi AwesoMErs, I am pretty excited and honoured to be invited to share my knowledge with you around the topic of resilience. I’m a registered Educational Psychologist who has worked in special education with the...
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Social Connection


No man is an island, right? This month I want to get you thinking about who in your social network provides you support. Hi AwesoMErs, That support can and probably will look different for all of us. The...
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