Seek and You Will Find
Hi AwesoMErs,
When you close your eyes and look out over your inner world what do you see?
I’m predicting that many of you would find it pretty easy to identify the mistakes made, the wrongs not righted, the financial and material goals not obtained, the relationships and friendships that aren’t quite right… yes?
Did you know that you’re programmed to think that way? It’s a biological trick our brains play on us to keep us safe.
We are predisposed to assume that every situation might turn out badly, that others are out to get us, and that we need the same or more resources than our neighbours. It’s how we’ve survived as a species. But this trick has a catch, by getting us to focus on the negative it can contribute to feeling like we aren’t enough, that only bad things happen, and that the world is generally a bit crap.
This month I want to talk about how we can interrupt this negative bias and retrain our brains to seek out the positive and good in our world, in turn increasing our overall sense of wellbeing. One of the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is gratitude, which is what I want to concentrate on this month. Gratitude and its power to improve wellbeing is founding principle here at AwesoME Inc and I am excited to write about it this month.
So what is gratitude exactly?
At its simplest, it’s the expression of gratefulness, or appreciation for something received.
The ‘something’ can be material or intangible, real or perceived. By focusing on what has been gained you begin to focus more and more on the good in your life and it becomes habitual, switching off (or at least turning down) our natural negative bias.
What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.
Join us for Module 4: Gratitude & Optimism, in our A Year of Resilience eCourse, as I show you some effective methods of practising gratitude. Plus this month we have a special BONUS FREE eBOOK that will show you how gratitude and diaphragmatic breathing can be practiced together to boost not only your mental well-being but also your physical health.
What’s in Module 4?


At The Heart of Gratitude

Focus on the Good
See you at our next lesson Module 5 – Movement. All about the importance of movement in building resilience, starting with the power of moving fast.
See you then,
Get the whole 12 Module eCourse…
At AwesoME Inc we have created A Year of Resilience eCourse and are currently releasing one module per month direct to you. Starting in January we introduced to you our Resilience Toolkit with Module 1: an Introduction, in which I asked you to do a resilience stock-take.
About Juliet Battersby
Juliet Battersby is a registered Educational Psychologist who has worked in special education with the Ministry of Education, with serving personnel and their families in the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF), and assessing children’s cognitive and academic functioning in private practice.
Juliet has an MA(Hons) endorsed in Clinical Psychology and a Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Psychology. She is a registered Educational Psychologist with the New Zealand Psychologists Board.
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